Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Why Alfred E. Neuman Should Plant a Church

Many of you reading this are online right now because you are running from God.

Many of you need to try planting a church.

Bob Hyatt has just posted what is kind of a sequel to his classic "Why You Should Plant a Church." He just couldn't call it "Who Shouldn't Plant a Church." Click here to see what he called it..

...and to see Who might be calling you.


And I can (clearly) see- not everyone "has what it takes" at first blush.
But here's the thing... We serve a God who delights in using the most unlikely of people to accomplish His goals, to help advance His kingdom.
See, it's not as though I don't understand the whole assessment thing. Are you entrepreneurial enough? A risk taker? A leader??? Can you preach to thousands? Can you manage the business of church???
I understand it... I just think it's so much bull shitake...

...Should you plant a church? I don't know... That's between you and God.
But I think more of you should try.

-Bob Hyatt


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Hey, thanks for engaging the conversation!