Friday, June 27, 2014

Guest post by Don Berg: Evolution of Bruce Cockburn lyrics part 1: "Going to the Country"

by Don Berg:

I thought that I would start an evolution of Bruce Cockburn lyrics blog of sorts. Hopefully, pretty short entries with links to the song. After his years at Berklee College of Music Bruce became a "bearded folk singer."
"Going to the Country" 1969

Birds singing, I'm singing in my bones
Doesn't much matter now where I'm going
Get it when I get there is what I'll do
If I get enough I'll give some to you
And I'm going to the country

Birds start singing and I am lost...
I once taught 8th grade language arts for a Semester to at risk students in Fresno. This song was one of the poems in their textbook. I played the song for them and they cooperated by not rioting.

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Hey, thanks for engaging the conversation!