
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

a prayer during "moment of surrender"

...and what is he saying/praying on his knees as he moves "Moment of Surrender" into a snippet of "(Psalm) 40"    (also Isaiah  40) here in Amsterdam?   (4:40-7:30)


  1. Beth (commenting on our facebook mirror) has detected some Isaiah 40, "rise up with wings like eagles"

    I KNEW it wasn't him just rehearsing his set list..or laundry list (:

  2. Got it!

    Beth commented:

    Somebody else has since suggested to me that if you listen carefully the spoken part begins with a long quote from Ps 40, has some other stuff in there, and then moves into the Isaiah thing that's quoted in Drowning Man, and then back into the sung bit of "40." I think that's accurate


Hey, thanks for engaging the conversation!