
Monday, April 30, 2012

saying 'adios' ("A Dios") to my bullfighting earthsuit o' lights

I see the suit of lights that  Bono (literally)said "Goodbye" at the end of many shows, a powerful reference.intertexting to:

  • -Of course:  the line in  the band's older song, "Gone" :" can keep this suit of lights.  I'm going up with the sun (Son)"
  • -Elvis Costello's song, "Suit of Lights" 
  • -fame/earthsuit/stage persona
  • -death to life
  • "suit of lights" as a name for bullfighter's uniform? (hmm, think of the bullfight Bono and Edge often do in "Until The End of the World," think duende..)
  • the band Suit of Lights(?)
  • -what else?
Check it out at 3:33ff in this video.  And if you don't see a cross on top of the steering wheel /life preserver microphone, you don't know U2 (:

---From Facebook:


This was supposed to be a pic of Bono's "suit of lights" after it has been raptured..,,a regular part of the show during "With or Without You" (video here. at this link, see 3:35ff..
..,,but I didn't grab the camera with the zoom in time, so i got this with my cell phone.

 I had always wondered if you could see it hanging up there if you were close enough to see inside the claw/stage...well i was close enough in Oakland to find out: you can see it, but not in this least very well. I tagged it, so you can spot it if you hover for the tag.... looks like a dead body (: This always feels a very prophetic part of the show as he often says "goodbye" to his suit/celebrity (based on an older song "You can keep this suit of lights, I'll be up with the Son")
 ·  ·  · Share · Edit · June 15, 2011

spiraling towards a moving center: pardon me, your gravitas is showing

1)So what happens if/when/since your  arrow towards the center of the centered set isn't straight but spiraled? (diagram at left)

2)So what happens if the center of the set itself (Himself) moves?
(diagram at right).
"Holy Spirit is on the move.  Our job is to move with the movement."

1)Doug Erickson addresses a version of the first question with this quote and diagram:

What i am proposing is this: rather than a linear trajectory where either I am pointing directly towards the center OR NOT, what if we change the visual representation to be more like an orbit, or a vortex. I realize this may be quibbling, but i think it's more reflective of the provisional and conditional nature of our knowledge, loving and acting.  I am rarely in direct trajectory towards the center. The center does, however, have a certain pull, a gravitas, that I sometimes give in to, sometimes resist, and sometimes am unaware of.  Am I moving towards the center? Usually, but more in a spiral pattern, or a vortex. Perhaps my graphic would look something like this:
Center+set+orbit.gif (515×436)

-Doug Eriickson, link
See also:
posts tagged with "centered set" label at bottom of this post

Here's my "Holy Helix"...


The dual lines represent God's line, and ours.
Note they are not actually separate..but one line...even though headed in different directions and of different colors.
That will preach!!

..but its lines/curves are too perfect.  So I often teach from my "Chaotic Helix" (below).
Isn't that more your life's line?

All of life is helical...

or hell.

If fact,  Keltic Ken. and the Super Rabbi checked out my  chaotic helix (and examined its groovy gravitas,) , as you can see:

Optical illusion of the center:  It is the blue point of left which is in the center.
which dot (green diagram with two dots) is center?..find out here)
2)I heard Brian Mclaren address a verion of the second question at FPU,, but my notes went offlline along with our fotum.  Anyone have notes?

He (along with Len Sweet and Jerry Haselmayer
touched on this in "A is For Abductive"/ See:

Sunday, April 29, 2012

NT Wright:1)Choose Jesus or Holy Land 2)Bono and Jim Morrison's atonement theory

An excellent  vintage article here by N,T. Wright,
 somewhat obscure
(as it's from an overlooked  1994 book/collection, Jerusalem: Past and Present in the Purposes of reviews on Amazon, not even a picture!),
 but now reprinted on the officially unofficial  NT  Wright page.

One recognizes many of Wright's keynote themes (Jesus embodying everything folks sought in temple) but they were never woven so clearly around the city of Jerusalem as unifying theme.
(Jesus as embodying everything people sought in Jerusalem).

Watch for this provocative line,
" the claim of Jesus
        and the claim of ‘holy land’
             can never be sustained simultaneously."

 but be sure to read that in context, and in light of his helpful introductory paragraph, as well as the closing secrions.

He still has a dream...

..he admits it may be a romantic dream..

     hat we can actually prayerfully and carefully navigate a  "double-edged theology of place"..

                       ..even in (especially) in Jerusalem.


Oh, a wonderful unrelated U2 connection to the article..

"His death would therefore be the means of drawing to its climax  the wrath of God against the nation, forging a way through that wrath, and out the other side.."

That imemdiately linked me to Daniel T. Kline's observation:

"I don't claim to know what theory of the atonement Boon  subscribes to, but in a n number of 'Until The End of the World' performances over the years, he's sampled The Doors' "Break on Through [To The Other Side]'... ("Playing The Tart: Contexts and Intertexts for 'Until The End of The World,'  Chapter 9 in Exploring U2: Is This Rock 'n' Roll?: Essays on the Music, Work, and Influence of U2


Does Bono read NT Wright? (:
(We know he reads CS Lewis//Wright has been called the new CS Lewis),
 Eugene Peterson, Nee (!) Wigglesworth
(!!!!)..and how about this?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

missional sacraments #20: centered set

 Sally  (HT Kiwi)posts:

Jesus broke down barriers and through boundaries, and opened a new way of worship, a new way of knowing God centered upon himself, and in doing so, set the good news free. I find this concept strangely offered again through a mathematical principle reclaimed as a missional model;  centered and bounded sets (many thanks to Steve Hollinghurst for introducing me to it). Frost and Hirsch pretty well sum it up here:

Bounded-centered-sets"In the bounded set, it is clear who is in and who is out (fences, not wells), based on a well-defined ideological-cultural boundary --usually moral and cultural codes as well as creedal definitions.. but it doesn't have much of a core definition beyond these boundaries. It is hard at the edges, soft at the center."

The centered set, on the other hand, "is like the Outback ranche with the wellspring at its center. It has very strong ideology at the center but no boundaries. It is hard at the center, soft at the edges. We suggest that in the centered set lies a real clue to the structuring of missional communities in the emerging culture.

"The traditional church makes it quite difficult for people to negotiate its maze of cultural, theological, and social barriers in order to get "in.".. and by the time newcomers have scaled the fences built around the church, they are so socialized as churchgoers that they are not likely to be able to maintain their connection with the social groupings they came from...

"We propose a better and more biblical way.. is to ... sink wells. If you sustain your connection with the water sources, you will find a whole host of people relating to Jesus from different walks of life. We allow people to come to Jesus from any direction and from any distance. The Person of Jesus stands.. at the center." (The Shaping of Things to Come)

So what am I saying about the sacraments? I believe that they open a door of powerful encounter with God, and that they can be used missionally, indeed that they are in some way;  for if it is the Holy Spirit who brings them to life, who are we to deny that gift to people wanting to respond to God, no matter where they are on their journey? Maybe we need to learn to become wellkeepers rather than spiritual bouncers....

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"God in Pain: Inversions of Apocalypse"

Excerpt  below from"God in Pain: Inversions of Apocalypse"  by Slavoj Žižek and Boris Gunjević..
(Hear the authors in L.A. tonight ).
"A brilliant dissection and reconstruction of the three major faith-based systems of belief in the world today, from one of the world's most articulate intellectuals, Slavoj Zizek, in conversation with Croatian philosopher Boris Gunjevic. In six chapters that describe Christianity, Islam, and Judaism in fresh ways using the tools of Hegelian and Lacanian analysis, God in Pain: Inversions of Apocalypse shows how each faith understands humanity and divinity--and how the differences between the faiths may be far stranger than they may at first seem.

Chapters include (by Zizek) (1) "Christianity Against Sacred," (2) "Glance into the Archives of Islam," (3) "Only Suffering God Can Save Us," (4) "Animal Gaze," (5) "For the Theologico-Political Suspension of the Ethical," (by Gunjevic) (1) "Mistagogy of Revolution," (2) "Virtues of Empire," (3) "Every Book Is Like Fortress," (4) "Radical Orthodoxy," (5) "Prayer and Wake. "

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Jesus' dislike of football: Robert Wilson's prayer answered

The mystery of which film(s) were the source of the famous/infamous  dubbed Jesus videos 
("Misunderstandings of Jesus" by Vintage 21. and  the series by Elevation Church) has been solved.  They are from "The Living Christ"  and "Beheld His Glory" featuring  Robert Wilson as Jesus.
I haven't been able to locate the original scenes that were spoofed. but YouTube has them all
(Plenty more fodder for  new spoofs)

Thanks to Mark Roberts who posted this photo and caption. (More info at this link)

Jesus as played by Robert Wilson in The Living Christ series by Cathedral Films, 1951. This version of Jesus is better known for his dislike of football.

I am

i am pretty sure Robert Wilson prayed for God to use him as he played the role of Jesus.
I am also pretty sure he had no  idea how God would answer that prayer decades later!!

Oh..If you don't get the football reference, check this:

Stephen Colbert meets CS Lewis and GK Chesterton meet Mr.Lunt

Phiil Vischer:

We have a lot of great teachers inM l the church, but a serious lack of silly. We tend to teach like Walter Cronkite reported the news - in a deadly serious "voice of God" tone. But our culture has replaced Walter Cronkite with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. We like silly. The church is completely missing this trend.

Tell us about "The Phil Vischer Show." Will there be puppets?

I wouldn't be surprised if a puppet or two dropped by every now and then, but the Phil Vischer Show is really about finding a thoughtful yet humorous take on the issues facing Christians today. The goal is to bring a dose of Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert to a genre that has been dominated by very dour, older white preachers for far too long. There are too many important ideas that aren't being discussed in a public forum, and even if they are, aren't being discussed with the "spoonful of sugar" (read: humor) that can make them palatable to a broad audience. Someone needs to take a crack at this, and I've decided it might as well be me.
Full Interview here