
Friday, June 09, 2006

Grab a Twinkie and think: does Dr. Dobson care?

The powerful, provocative quote I am about to excerpt is from the Chris Seay (et al) book, "Faith of my Fathers: Conversations with Three Generations of Pastors about Church, Ministry and Culture,"..

.. a book about which Laura Wimmer says, "Wow. Here are some of the many things I like about Chris Seay's new book: it is really honest,and really heartfelt,and really funny,and really thought-provoking, and in a strange-but-true way very really Trinitarian....Also, I don't know any other books that talk about both Twinkies and Midrash."

First, there is apparenly LOTS of discussion about twinkies and midrash, as a simple googling will betray:

Secondly, if the quote is provocative, try the other article ( that St. Duncan sent in) by same author ...Donald Miller, author of "Blue Like Jazz".... We gave it the title,
"Lotsa Naked People & The Campus Confessional "
It's posted here. the quote to come. Save the hate e-mails. No, I don't think Dobson is all bad; I appreciate lots about him. And I wouldn't come on as strong as Miller. But he represents a strong version of what many, many are feeling and can't articulate without being seen as absolute idiots/heretics. He must be grasped and heard; the point is prophetic important..

Part of why he comes on strong is this is a recorded conversation; part of why he comes on strong is someone had to say something, and the first person to do so will likely paint it large. Don't miss the point. Read carefully,and think three 1/2 days before responding..maybe even have a Twinkie first (or fast!)..

For a guy like Dobson-as good a person and teacher as he is-I don't think he cares about whether homosexuals go to heaven or hell. I think he cares about building a utopia. He cares about building a Salt Lake City, Utah for Christians. I realize that sounds strong, but if he cared about whether homosexuals knew Christ, he would print tracts for homosexuals, not fight Congress....

....In my opinion-and this is me judging him (Dobson) from a couple weeks I spent with Dr. Dobson-that ministry (helping homosexuals out of the lifestyle)is a token. I would bet he spends more money lobbying Congress than he does converting gays. He has to throw a bone to some sort of conversion ministry in order to avoid the label. But his money is where his heart is, plain and simple. The only reason he is doing that is so he can say he's got this thing on the backburner, so you can't tell him he hates people. I don't think he really cares about the grace of Jesus as much as he does the morals of God.

He will not speak against Mormonism because he is a moralist and they a re moralists, too--they have this in common. I think Dobson uses the battle or war metaphor almost exclusively in dealing with these issues. I am not saying he is a bad person and we should be against him; I am saying his motive is morality and not the gospel This, to me , is the difference bewteen the two arguments:
One wants people to know Christ.
The other wants people to stop sinning and ruining our country.
-Donald Miller, p 142-43

Read more on morality vs. the gospel by -Len Hjalmarson

"God's revelation has nothing whatever to do with morality."
-Jacques Ellul

and how bout shaking it up?:


  1. Whether or not Miller's opinion of Dobson is accurate, he put together the exact combination of words I've been looking for to describe some people I know: The morality of God versus the grace of Jesus. I have friends like this and it drives me up the wall. The Holy Spirit doesn't instantly fix every flaw in a person right away. He doesn't even instantly convict you of every sin either. Sanctification is a long, drawn out process for most of us. And some people don't recognize that. They care about the law of God, but they care about right and wrong more than they care about grace. And the lack of grace exposes the heart.

    I was walking out of a jail ministry meeting the other day and proclaimed, "I am really being blessed by the homosexuals in Hollywood right now." What I mean is that some of them put the Christians to shame. They're not only kinder than some of the Christians, but they have better business ethics. Some of the Christians-- in a place where we should be banding together-- won't lift a finger to help me, while the pagans can give completely selfishly. The thing that really freaks some people out is that I'm beginning to suspect that some of these homosexuals actually care more about building the Kingdom of God than the Christians do. It's starting to feel like that scene in American History X where in the prison, Edward Norton realizes that he's safer with the blacks than he is with the whites.

  2. Mike:

    amazing times we livein.

    an man,i hear ya,

    and now i have a "new" movie to see.
    Edward Norton is a sign of the times.

    BTW, I love preaching in black churches. Not much doubt a white feels far more loved and accepted visiting a predominantly black church than a black visiting a largely white church


  3. tonight at people's church, i heard about a gay couple who have welcomed a former drug addict/skitzophrenia sufferer into their home and are helping him through recovery and treatment. i haven't heard any stories of heterosexual couples currently doing the same.

  4. One of the reason people hate Christians (I believe) is because of the lack of grace. Personally, Dobson represents just about everything I dislike about my Christian heritage. I lump him in there with Christian books stores and Jesus shaped candy bars.

    I’m a former evangelical pastor who has fallen away from faith. I’ve started a blog where I talk about my experiences. Drop by and feel free to add your thoughts.

  5. Thanks, Walter..we need to be in touch


Hey, thanks for engaging the conversation!