
Monday, November 27, 2006

no membership, no dues, just passion & giveaways...sounds like church to me!

My friend SQ...who reads here.. sent me a link to a community he belongs to called SHIFT.

I love the name...Quotes below from their website.

.. fill in each blank with the word "Jesus" or "Christian(ity)" and see how cool and appropriate it sounds. Then click the link at bottom to see what the real missing word is; and then ask what we as church can learn..


SHIFT revels in expressing Portland’s creative ___ culture through events and
___ fun intended to highlight the positive contributions of ____for the
community at large.

As a loose-knit and informal bunch of ____-loving
folks, we ask for no membership, nor dues, only a shared passion for the ____ in
all (his) glory...... as a tool for social

SHIFT, then, is open to everyone sharing in this passion.

And where would the fun be if we weren't at least semi-organized?!
Yes, SHIFT folks do plan, execute, publicize, and get involved in the
celebration of ____ events. We hope you'll be inspired to join in on the ___ fun

Our Activities:

SHIFT also
organizes events of our own. Examples of SHIFT-led activities include coffee
give-ways, socialsl, educational ____ tours, actions to raise awareness about
....death; information-sharing events, "art and ___" parades and more.

Our Mission:
To demonstrate that ____ is fun, liberating, empowering,
sustainable, and environmentally friendly.

click the link to find the nature of the community...



1 comment:

  1. The link is dead, Dave. (They're all dead, Dave. Everybody is dead, Dave. -- Bonus points to whomever recognizes that quote.) But the address kind of leads me to assume that they want people to stop using cars as much as possible and shift to using bicycles.

    I understand what you say about this. If we could just get people to bring that kind of passion to following The Most High and His Word... wow, what we could do for Him!


Hey, thanks for engaging the conversation!