
Saturday, January 05, 2008

Contemplative Youth Ministry: Mark yaconelli

1 comment:

  1. Dave,
    I want to let you know that I love your blog. I have added it to my favorites and will be reading it on a regular basis. I am also a HUGE U2 fan. So, I will be checking in on your U2 blog. I was a youth minister for 12 years and now a Minister for a congregation because of God's calling. I pray that God will bless you this year. I pray that God's blessings will fall on you, your family and your ministry. I would love for you to visit my blog any time and join on any discussion that we may be having. I usually talk about various controverial subjects that face the church, or post that need to be heard or challenge other's faith. Again, God bless you brother.
    In Him,
    Kinney Mabry


Hey, thanks for engaging the conversation!