
Monday, March 03, 2008

Unions for freelancers

  • "When people join together, you can do a lot more cool shit than when people are alone."

-Sarah Horowitz

Sometimes someone just says it as it is, or should be. And paraphrases Jesus, whether intentionally or not.

I am aware Jesus wouldn't necessarily phrase it the same way (though Paul didn'shirk from the "s" word, but the point is clearly biblical. I found it in the amazing good magazine called "Good Magazine," in an article about how Horowitz (a Masters graduate of the Harvard School of Government) is 'making the workplace safe for freelancers."

This of course relates well to church and Kingdom issues in these days; especially for emerging non-denominational networks such as ours. Just tweak the language a bit...or don't. How do we gather independent contractors, so as to let them experience the beauty of interdependence. How do we offer the benefits (some literal: insurance etc) of "belonging" and "open membership" without becoming hierarchical?

Great article, it's here.

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Hey, thanks for engaging the conversation!