
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mac asks

Mac asks:

Why is Christ made commemorative in the Modern Church when at the core of our faith He is Living Lord today?
Why is the Bible used as a legalistic weapon when it is an intricate and endlessly equipped vessel of mercy, love and hope?
Why do we construct walls and hide behind them rather than engage people openly in the public square and allow it to be a true dialogue of grace with God invited?
Why are people encouraged to have private, all-inclusive spiritual lives instead of being lopsided gifts to each other as the living Body of Christ?
Why are gender issues rending the Bride of Christ (we are all the feminine) when in the Bridegroom (in Christ) there is “neither male or female”?

Does faith in these realities mean nothing at all?

Why has serious exegesis been replaced by topical studies in PowerPoint presentations that change minds for the moment but have no transformational value at all?
Why are we religious consumers instead of spiritual disciples?

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Hey, thanks for engaging the conversation!