
Friday, October 24, 2008

Bono and Jim Kerr on preaching

I love Matt's answer to my question "What can the church learn from U2; even though/especially because in humility he felt unqualified to answer
(read his answer here; then buy his book).

And Chris has delightfully drawn out from Bono's interview with Assayas (buy the book) hugely helpful lessons about "what the preacher can learn from U2/Bono"
(buy the book);

And of course we have an amazing resource for "preaching the U2 catalog" (buy the book).

But I was thrilled to find in this 1983 joint interview of Bono and Jim Kerr of the Simple Minds (another group that has breathed on my preaching for decades now) that Bono himself speaks a timely word for us preacher types twenty five years, and a whole new world later..especially related to church shift.
Just replace a few words ("flowered shirts" for "leather pants" etc.):

"Satin pants have been replaced by leather pants, but it's the same old tripe [?] that they're giving the audience:

'Here WE are, and there YOU {condesending point of finger} are;

now you look at us, and we're going to give you what you need..

and that's wrong."


"a lot of rock and roll looks to the past...while myself and Jim, our music looks to the future...

It's a whole new generation; a whole new blood. And for too long, there was a tourniquet applied to the music which wasn't allowing the new blood through..but it burst the dams.."

Off with the dam(n) tourniquets.
Is this stuff eerily relevant to our day, or not?
Right down to the opening comments about gay weddings (:
..followed by the phenomenon of fainting at concerts (Wesley,Cane Ridge, Brownsville..."slaying in the Spirit"?)..
...and the "monster which can become a dinosaur" of communicating to large crowds.

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