
Saturday, October 25, 2008

emotional music from a creative future

Bono once told Ed Bradley on 6o Minutes that their songs "occupy an emotional terrain that didn't exist before our music did." Elsewhere he has commented,
"there are colours and feelings and emotional terrain that we occupy that is ours and ours alone."
More specifically, it's all about the Edge's guitar. There's a reason TIME Mgaazine likened it to "swirling epiphanies."

As Bono says of Edge in the clip below:

"he has crated a whole diiferenet spectrum of feelings anbc colors..."(00:10ff);
"there is a color we have seen through Edges guitar playing that didn't exist before he played" (6:14ff)

That music actually creates emotions that didn't even exist previously;
or that we didn't know existed:
or didn't know we felt;
or didn't know we could feel..

of course: it's at heart time travel ("Music is time travel") and an eschatological inbreaking of the age to come.

Creation and Endtimes...But its arrow and emotion is a gift from the future.

Which is why Bono introduces Edge as "from the future" and found us via a "time travelling device":

"Part of the magic of music for me is that it can evoke emotions that you can't even have otherwise,emotion there isn't even a word for .."

-a musician quoted in "Blue Notes The life-giving link between mood and musical expression"
Utne Reader, 11-12/08


  1. Do you happen to know where that interview that Bono and Edge did in the large room full of people is from? It's also used in that Christian rock movie trailer. I've never seen the full interview, was wondering if you knew what it was called.

  2. Stuart

    Its from an HBO show, "off the Reoord" hosted by Dave Stewart. It helped that he is friends with the band


    Can watch the whole show on youtube:



Hey, thanks for engaging the conversation!