
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"In England, they drive on the __________ side of the road."

Give a quick, gut-instict, first response answer; filling in the blanks for these two sentences:

  1. "In England, they drive on the __________ side of the road."
  2. "Boy, you can sure tell _________ is at work in the secular world nowadays; all you have to do is look around!

I love asking these questions when I open a preaching/teaching moment anywhere in the world.

>>>Click here to see my suggested "right answers,"
and why here (it's my March column in Salt Fresno magazine (can be read online or downloaded as a PDF)


  1. It's you lot that drive on the wrong side of the road! And oddly enough, we drive on the left in Scotland, Wales and Ireland too ;-)

  2. LOL, Helen.. I thinks we are the wackbard ones


Hey, thanks for engaging the conversation!