
Monday, March 08, 2010

"Missing Half of What God Has to Say"

Since we just had a friend stay overnight. and we are looking at commissioning her, I loved finding this post below! She (our friend) and Idelette (below) can speak at our church and culture conference any day!

Idelette McVicker posts:

In the past few weeks I’ve noticed two church and culture conferences powered mainly by testosterone. In fact, one of the conferences presented over 20 speakers—and as I scrolled through the photos of the speakers, it’s like my smile stretched into a frown, because not one single voice on that speaking platform was female. My enthusiasm for a movement that the Spirit of God seems to be shaping, fizzled.

Fifty percent of the Kingdom voice was missing. What did this omission communicate to that conference’s sold-out crowd of 2,000?

Do women not hold up half the Kingdom? Apparently women may hold up half the sky, but when it comes to church, women have to stay in their seats. I honestly thought we were further along the Way already.

Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn’s bestseller Women Hold up Half the Skyconfirms that this is a kairos time for women. It’s not about a fight over power. It’s simple: when the women are not on the platform—part of shaping the Message for our time—everyone misses out on the wholeness of the Kingdom message.

Is it a simple oversight on the part of the organizers? Blatant discrimination? Or is this part of a return to a dusty old theology, where women are to be seen, but not heard? If that’s where we’re going, friends, it’s way backwards.

I think the shock/sadness of noticing this oversight was bigger because I’m part of a church where there’s no hierarchical distinction based on gender. Male and female serve together, reflecting the whole image of God. I’d actually forgotten how different it could be in other places.

Confession: I’ve kept this post on ice for a while, just testing my heart. My desire is not to divide, but I look forward to a future where male and female serve together. Yesterday when friends showed me this video, featuring Rose Madrid-Swetman speaking candidly on women in the church, I knew it was time to hit “publish.”

I couldn’t agree more with what Rose, co-pastor of Vineyard Community Church in Shoreline, WA says: When only one gender holds all the power, we’re really “missing half of what God has to say.”

Check out this video, featuring Rose:

1 comment:

Hey, thanks for engaging the conversation!