
Monday, May 17, 2010

St. Dawn of Bethlehem: "Staying Smitten"

Audio of "Staying Smitten" message by St. Dawn of Bethlehem (now back to the USA, and St. Dawn of Bethel):

(scroll to 5/17/09, yes the name of the church she spoke at really is McDonald Presbyterian)


  1. haha! thanks for the advocacy, Dave! I love the St. Dawn bit. And amazingly, you should know that McDonald, which is in McDonald, PA, is really named after OLD MCDONALD! Apparently the song was born there on the McDonald brothers farm!

    with a praise Jesus here and a praise Jesus there... here a Jesus, there a Jesus, everywhere a Jesus Jesus...

  2. That is too cool, Dawn.

    Keep smitten


Hey, thanks for engaging the conversation!