
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Behind the Scenes Video: God smiles on NBC, the NBA, a firemarshall and a portly guy where streets have no name

One fall day, millions of unsuspecting viewers were hijacked by God.  I love how Steve Beard tells the story:

As a devout Los Angeles Lakers fan, I was tuned into the first game of the NBA Championship series when it was announced that the rock band U2 would be doing the half-time show. U2 was playing in Boston while the game was being played in Los Angeles. When the cameras switched from one venue to the other, television viewers saw Bono, the charismatic lead singer, praying on his knees. "What can I give back to God for the blessings he poured out on me," he said. "I lift high the cup of salvation as a toast to our Father. To follow through on the promise I made to you." The lead singer of arguably the most popular rock band on the planet was loosely reciting a prayer from Psalm 116 (The Message) on national television.....
Steve Beard,  continued here

I so love when folks are just minding their own business (which Scripture commands us to do, see this...) and God shows up at a "secular" time or on a "secular" channel or place (see "

But the way God set up those 2001 NBA Playoff  watchers, who before they 
But the way God set up those basketball fans in 2001, as they found themselves transported..."taken to church," as Bono often predicts in concert.
knew it were "taken to church" as Bono often says.. What a  holy moment when the feed went live, and we/they saw Bono lost in worship, and about to pray Scripture over them.

The director of that broadcast, Hamish  Hamilton, is one of the key folks God used.  Here he is, on video, telling  some behind-the scenes stories behind getting that segue and broadcast to work

At the 3:00 minute mark, he admits it was due to "God smiling on me."
 " Boston Fire Marshall, Jake Berry, Willie Williams, Mark Fisher, Ned O'Hanlon and me had lots of creative input into this performance for TV. I must not forgot the gentleman that jumped on stage minutes before we went live . He will never know how close he came to his first national tv appearance that night...":

And here is a fascinating behind the scenes from the broadcast team as all this was happening.  Just watch the exhiliration, air guitar, and shrieks of "F*#!ing beautiful shot!" (Uh, I guess that's another way of saying "God is smiling on us right now!):

Here is the finished work, which also appeared on the "Live in Boston" DVD..
Watch as "Bad" segues in  "How Long" chant of Psalm 40 segues into  the moment  (2:40) when the NBC camera went live to worship leader Bono...and (hopefully) a few beer-drinkers said:
"Huh?  Church?":

HT: Matt
More on this song:

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