
Saturday, November 17, 2012

'That's not approval; that's deception"

 Morgan Guyton:

a pillar of popular penal substitution theology is that God cannot tolerate the presence of sin. I think it's more accurate to say that sin cannot tolerate the presence of God. The consequence of understanding things the first way is that the cross becomes God's inoculation for His sin allergy. Ironically, one of the main points of Jesus' incarnation was to prove that God is not distant and untouchably pure, but rather someone who "eats and drinks with sinners." Now this doesn't mean that sin is not allergic to God. People reacted to Jesus' perfect love and holiness either by repenting of their sin like Zacchaeus did or by lashing out defensively and crucifying Him like the Pharisees did.

...[In a sermon, Furtick]  said that the reason God gives us His "approval" is because He doesn't see us when He looks at us but sees Jesus instead. That's not approval; that's deception. I can't understand how anyone could possibly be encouraged by that. God doesn't need our true selves to be hidden from His view to love us infinitely. His rage against the sin that oppresses us is part of that love. It's true that Paul tells us to "put on Christ" and says that "in Christ we become the righteousness of God," but Jesus isn't a mask that we wear to cover ourselves up; He's a body in which we become ourselves.  

..I cannot find anywhere in scripture that makes the Father the primary agent behind the crucifixion of His Son. The closest is the Suffering Servant passage in Isaiah 52-53 in which we read that "it was the Lord's will to crush him with pain" (53:10). First, I would contend that the Suffering Servant passage is primarily about Israel's exile and only secondarily about Christ in His role as the recapitulation of His people's destiny. The description of the Suffering Servant cannot be mapped completely onto Christ without compromising Christ's divinity and the full unity of the divine will. Secondly, in no place does Isaiah 52-53 describe the fulfillment of God's wrath as the purpose of the Servant's suffering. Isaiah 53:5 says, "Upon him was the punishment that made us whole; by his bruises we are healed." In other words, the purpose of the Servant's punishment is our wholeness and healing . It neither serves to fulfill God's ego needs nor some primordial cosmic free market principle of retribution that God is obligated to follow.  -Morgan Guyton

 See also:

was Jesus forsaken by God?

and other posts labeled "death of Jesus" below

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