
Friday, February 01, 2013

pastors preaching or apostles teaching..and what does the latter mean?

photo credit click interesting article
Since it should go without saying
 that  there is no mention of pastors preaching at a church service in the New Testament..(Read more at American pastors know that the Bible knowand the preacher is not in the Bible)..,.

the question becomes what does the phrase that does appear...

the apostles' teaching.. 

actually mean.

Some help by Alan Knox:

But, what was “the apostles’ teaching” that they were devoting themselves to? Well, “teaching” here is not a verb. It would be incorrect to think that Luke was painting a picture of those early Christians continually devoting themselves to listening to the apostles teach/preach. Instead, they kept on devoting themselves to WHAT the apostles were teaching..
Thus, being continually dedicated to what the apostles were teaching is tantamount to continually DOING  everything that Jesus had taught the apostles to do while he was with them. 
-full link, Alan Knox

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