
Friday, March 22, 2013

"Does the Mosaic Law have a role in the Christian's daily life?"

Book giveaway...great book....enter here ..
but if you are reading this book a few decades after the contest is over, the question at that post is still relevant:

Does the Mosaic Law have a role in the Christian's daily life?

Comment on that below, or on my Facebook  (I know FB will still be active in 2034, or whenever you read this)...

Rabbi Adam J. Bernay may get the conversation started.
You can guess he will say "yes" (:

In most translations of the
Apostolic Writings, it says Messiah Yeshua said, "Do not think that I came to
abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill."
(Mat 5:17). Dr. David Stern, the man behind the “Jewish New Testament”
and “Complete Jewish Bible” translations exploded this myth. In his
introduction to the CJB, Dr. Stern explains that, in the Greek text – since
that’s what he had to work with – the word normally translated there as
“fulfilled” really means “to fill,” and therefore he says that it should be
translated not to fulfill but rather to fill fully or to complete, as in completing
a manuscript… which is fully in keeping with the ancient Jewish tradition
that the Messiah would explain fully difficult Torah passages and even
change completely our understanding of them!

But let’s say it really means “fulfill.” To argue that fulfilling means
cancellation is faulty reasoning. Many seem to have no ability to see
Messiah’s statement for what it plainly says. Our Messiah was clear:
fulfilling has nothing to do with destroying or annulling, and, in truth,
fulfilling is the opposite of annulment. Fulfilling means to complete or make
whole; to bring to the full; to provide what was lacking. Messiah Yeshua
came to make sure the Torah had all the necessary elements in it, especially
the principal thing: His death and resurrection.

In fact, in the language spoken at the time of Yeshua, for someone to say
you’ve “fulfilled” the Torah meant simply that you’ve interpreted it correctly.
; likewise, to “destroy,” “abolish,” or “nullify” the Torah meant that
you’d interpreted it incorrectly
! -Adam J. Bernay, "B.S."  pp, 167-68 , continue reading here

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