
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Theology of the selfie/shelfie

Here's a sign of the times (above photo)...the groom and I are waiting for the bridal procession to start.
Of course the groom wants a "selfie."

I googled "theology of the selfie," to see who had theologized on the concept.

My favorite find was the one I was already aware of:

Tim Neufeld on the famous/infamous Obama selfie at Mandela's funeral.

A funeral, a selfie and biblical interpretation

Here are some a typical posts on the selfishness of the selfie:

Here's a link to a whole 46-minute sermon video (which btw includes a live cow) called:

Improve Your Selfie : A Theology of Selfie

Of course, I love that the pope poses for the "selfies" of young people..

Here's Vincent J. Vera with a "shelfie":

I love Vincent, so I once had to get a selfie with him (and Ken; also well-loved) to prove that I know him:
But re: the "shelfie," I was recently tipped off to that term being used for post of books on bookshelves!
See my facebook post below, or click here to see on facebook, and post your own shelfie..

The amazing Scott Jones (our young elder at third day fresno and a "pensive intellectual" spy and bibliophile) and I have recently been comparing the stack/stash of books on our (respective!) bedside nightstands. Here's my eclectic assortment..don't make fun!. (honored to tag some of the authors; Brian J Dodd,Jerry WallsAnne Marie Miller Dallas Lon Elder...oh, and notice The Wainscott Weasel) We thought it might be fun to see what anyone else's stack looks like. @Scott. post your photo, and anyone else. post theirs. Let's make it a viral meme(:..
— with Scott Jones.
Like ·  · Stop Notifications · Share · Edit · Promote · November 15, 2013 ·Edited

P.S.:  See photo below; I'm apparently  a Calviminian.  Some folks wouldn't dare put these books on the same shelf/shelfie.  But I was predestined to use my free will to post this:

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