
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

"we understand reality not from the center,but from the outskirts"

A centered-set pope:
For his first formal visit  to a Rome parish church, Pope Francis chose not a Baroque masterpiece near the Vatican but traveled to the city's very outskirts because, as he told the parishioners,"we understand reality not from the center,but from the outskirts {margins}."

A few weeks later he told Jesuit journalists from La Civilta Cattolica that “Your proper place is the  frontier, " the cultural frontier, where they were :not to build walls,but bridges” to those who did not share Catholic beliefs or culture.  He told a group of devout Catholics that we should not "lock ourselves up in our parish, among our friends..with people who think as we do," but instead "The Church must step outside herself.  To go where?  To the outskirts of existence, whatever they may be

-Pope Francis: Why He Leads the Way He Leads, pp 16-17

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