Thursday, July 16, 2015

we're all synesthetes now: Reify and songs as 3D printed sculptures


What Songs Look Like as 3-D Printed Sculptures

PEOPLE EXPERIENCE ART IN specific ways: looking at paintings, hearing music, tasting food. Unless you’re a synesthete like Kanye who sees rap songs as colors, this is how it works. But what if you could see music—not as a video or a performance, but a physical object? And what if that object could play the music back for you?
That’s the goal of Reify, a startup from New Inc’s incubator that is Kickstarting its first project. Lead by Allison Wood and Kei Gowda, Reify turns sound waves into 3-D printed sculptures that play the sound back with an augmented reality app. Wood started the company to explore digital synesthesia, a technologically augmented version of the skills Kanye and other syntesthetes were born with.
Music was a natural place to start. Wood began  continued

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