Posting this article here, since Salt Fresno website went offline.
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Welcome! You have accidentally reached the blog of a heteroclite follower of Jesus: dave wainscott. I'm "pushing toward the unobvious" as I post thinkings/linkings re: Scripture, church and culture. Hot topics include: temple tantrums, time travel, sexuality/spirituality, U2kklesia, role of the pastor, God-haunted music/art..and subversive videos like these.
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Sunday, June 25, 2017
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
building a fence around the law..or a hack around the elevator
As a follow-up to my sabbath elevator post--
--I should have known there was a way to --as the rabbis say--
"build a fence around the law" of no regular elevators on the
Here it is below... it's a hack!
See also:
- I'll never forget taking the elevator from our towering Jerusalem hotel room down to the lobby for breakfast one Saturday.
Not only could I not push the lobby button,
but the elevator stopped automatically on every floor.
I wondered if I would make it down for lunch.
When I ordered, I realized that the waitress was not writing down any orders;
even the most complicated ones.
Writing was "work" on the sabbath,
as was pushing elevator

"build a fence around the law" of no regular elevators on the
Here it is below... it's a hack!
See also:
Halakhot of Lakeview: Elevators on Shabbat
Can You Really Skip Floors on EVERY Elevator with this Life Hack?
sermon on the mount,
Tuesday, June 06, 2017
Kultur and Quixotism; epistemology and esthetic, comic and cosmic
but reading Unamuno in English
--as rewarding as it is--
pales compared to reading the original Spanish.
(I've been that way ever since I was in the Spanish Musical at Liverpool High School, and wrote my first Poe-ish limerick en espanol ..It's St. Bobbi's fault).
Es una menita como una catedral...
I must agree that all translation is largely messianic, betrayal...
and AT WORST is actual messianic betrayal.
Translation is inevitably una mentira como una catedral, ese.
(for fun, see these links on my misadventures in bilingual life:
Es una menita como una catedral...
I must agree that all translation is largely messianic, betrayal...
and AT WORST is actual messianic betrayal.
Translation is inevitably una mentira como una catedral, ese.
(for fun, see these links on my misadventures in bilingual life:
See this section below, for example..
I love Unamuno's insights on Quixote
(BTW, how ironic...quixotic, rather... that after 17 years of false strarts and endings, the famous/infamous Quixote film is finally finished),
So here it is, a loaded section in Unamuno, From "The Tragic Sense of Life, pp 288-87 (or better yet, en espanol at the click:"Del Sentamiento Tragico de La Vida" pp, 265-66):
I love Unamuno's insights on Quixote
(BTW, how ironic...quixotic, rather... that after 17 years of false strarts and endings, the famous/infamous Quixote film is finally finished),
So here it is, a loaded section in Unamuno, From "The Tragic Sense of Life, pp 288-87 (or better yet, en espanol at the click:"Del Sentamiento Tragico de La Vida" pp, 265-66):
Don Quixote journeyed alone, alone with Sancho, alone with his solitude. And shall we not also journey alone, we his lovers, creating for ourselves a Quixotesque Spain which only exists in our imagination?
And again we shall be asked: What has Don Quixote bequeathed to Kultur? I answer: Quixotism, and that is no little thing! It is a whole method, a whole epistemology, a whole esthetic, a whole logic, a whole ethic—above all, a whole religion—that is to say, a whole economy of things eternal and things divine, a whole hope in what is rationally absurd.
For what did Don Quixote fight? For Dulcinea, for glory, for life, for survival. Not for Iseult, who is the eternal flesh; not for Beatrice, who is theology; not for Margaret, who is the people; not for Helen, who is culture. He fought for Dulcinea, and he won her, for he lives.
And the greatest thing about him was his having been mocked and vanquished, for it was in being overcome that he overcame; he overcame the world by giving the world cause to laugh at him.
And today? Today he feels his own comicness and the vanity of his endeavours so far as their temporal results are concerned; he sees himself from without—culture has taught him to objectify himself, to alienate himself from himself instead of entering into himself—and in seeing himself from without he laughs at himself, but with a bitter laughter. Perhaps the most tragic character would be that of a Margutte of the inner man, who, like the Margutte of Pulci, should die of laughter, but of laughter at himself. E ridera in eterno, he will laugh for all eternity, said the Angel Gabriel of Margutte. Do you not hear the laughter of God?
The mortal Don Quixote, in dying, realized his own comicness and bewept his sins; but the immortal Quixote, realizing his own comicness, superimposes himself upon it and triumphs over it without renouncing it.
And Don Quixote does not surrender, because he is not a pessimist, and he fights on. He is not a pessimist, because pessimism is begotten by vanity, it is a matter of fashion, pure intellectual snobbism, and Don Quixote is neither vain nor modern with any sort of modernity (still less is he a modernist), and he does not understand the meaning of the word "snob" unless it be explained to him in old Christian Spanish. Don Quixote is not a pessimist, for since he does not understand what is meant by the joie de vivre he does not understand its opposite. Neither does he understand futurist fooleries. In spite of Clavileno,[68] he has not got as far as the aeroplane, which seems to tend to put not a few fools at a still greater distance from heaven. Don Quixote has not arrived at the age of the tedium of life, a condition that not infrequently takes the form of that topophobia so characteristic of many modern spirits, who pass their lives running at top speed from one place to another, not from any love of the place to which they are going, but from hatred of the place they are leaving behind, and so flying from all places: which is one of the forms of despair.
But Don Quixote hears his own laughter, he hears the divine laughter, and since he is not a pessimist, since he believes in life eternal, he has to fight, attacking the modern, scientific, inquisitorial orthodoxy in order to bring in a new and impossible Middle Age, dualistic, contradictory, passionate. Like a new Savonarola, an Italian Quixote of the end of the fifteenth century, he fights against this Modern Age that began with Machiavelli and that will end comically. He fights against the rationalism inherited from the eighteenth century. Peace of mind, reconciliation between reason and faith—this, thanks to the providence of God, is no longer possible. The world must be as Don Quixote wishes it to be, and inns must be castles, and he will fight with it and will, to all appearances, be vanquished, but he will triumph by making himself ridiculous. And he will triumph by laughing at himself and making himself the object of his own laughter. Unamuno
book reviews,
spanish mystics,
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