(isn't that how it's supposed to work? I love how Leonard Sweet, when introducing former students of his, says something like, "This is Ted, we studied together in the nineties."...Not, "I was Ted's professor in seminary.")
........................my "students" in
"Theology of the City/Urban Ministry" at Latin American Bible Institute-Fresno/Sanger Extension).
I was disappointed we never got to take a more "urban" field trip than to downtown Fresno.
All things considered, I would have chosen New York City.
(I'm always asking the question that folks once asked me every day).
And for the soundtrack to us coming out of the tunnel and into Manhattan, would of course be the
chilling scream of Peter Gabriel in the intro to Genesis' "Back in New York City."
Practice it now, class:
I found it amazing that only a couple years ago, the total Google returns of "theology of New York
City" was ZERO (until my post). Wow, I just checked the results...someone chime in, please..
NYC has taken a bad rap as spiritually dead/bankrupt. Yet check out the winner of the
"America's most saintly city" !!
All that to say, either below in the comments, or on the Facebook mirror of this post,
I would love to hear
a)What signs of Kingdom life do you see in NYC?
b)Name some specific churches, ministries, Kingdom
outposts, house churches etc that you know of there..
Erasmus: "the city is a huge monastery."
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