U2 Can Overcome the Death Bomb
Many have asked to see this clip below; having heard me teach on it. The set up:How about this amazing live version of U2 doing "Where The Streets Have No Name" only days after Bono's father died ("It was his send-off")...so you have the
Then at the close of the song, "like the heavens have opened..Bono appears to be actually experiencing the beatific vision at stage right" (Beth Maynard,p.120, "Get Up Off Your Knees: Preaching the U2 Catalog")...."Note how the band behaves at curtain call moment at the end (p. 180)." What is drummer Larry looking at, Who is Bono applauding? Why can't guitarrist The Edge keep his eyes open? (from 5:01 till the end).
Watch the clip already:
(of course, U2 are no strangers to a theology of "death and Jesus"...click THIS for my teaching on all that)...If you love to watch Bono worship, start this song at 5:57 to hear/watch: "Blessings! All praises!":
In other words:
"the rule has been disproved" (9th post down)
(watch it happen)..
I'm not a myspace member so when I click on your links I can't get to them. Is there any other way for me to see the stuff?
oops sorry Dana. didn't mean for that to happen. i will adjust the links
ReplyDeleteThanks, but the very first link just goes to the home page for Grace Covenant. Was it supposed to do that or was it supposed to link to an article or something? The others work fine now except for the last one that still goes to a myspace thing although the youtube part works.
got it fixed..the Grace Cov page had my syllabus up,sorry it is down
ReplyDeleteIn part 4 of your Bomb theological roundtable you had a fakelink which you notated that you would put a real one in later that was supposed to be to a song by song review of the album. I realized that I never saw any post of that review. Did you write one and if so where could I find it?
I don't know if that was supposed to answer my question but it doesn't. What I am talking about is this section of your musings on Bomb:
Okay, let’s talk that thesis up, and give it a workout. We’ll get back on the fast car in just two paragraphs.
But some of you need to know this: I will, as the very last section of this paper, condescend to give (as an appendix..or in a far more appetizing analogy, as dessert!) a concise (!) "play by play" "track by track" commentary on "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb," which is U2’s (maybe) fourth masterpiece. Granted, in a large and multi-tasking, multi-disciplinary sense, I have been doing that all along. But to make it easy (!) on folks who just want that in a nice easy (short) summary, I will do that, but in usual promo style, it starts at the very end. But I must preface the end with a big beef; which I think is important to digest (or at least taste and spit out) , as it explains the "maybe." (Maybe!) For those who don’t do beef; and want immediate access to the review , you may skip to the next section by clicking here: (http://www.actuallyitisnotwrittenyetbutwhenitisreadyiwillposttherealurlhere.com/
)once, but as you click you must say in good Schwarzenegger voice, "I’ll be back!" Because I do not think the time and type spent on this chapter is wasted; in fact the commentary may not even land coherently without the prequel .
Note the link which is marked to be replaced later. Did you ever write the song by song review you are refering to here?
thanks for asking..never got to it,or did a lot and lost it in computer transition. I hope to get the whole intended other chapter done at some point. pray for me to have time
ReplyDeleteSorry, the video is no longer available. Any idea what show it was from (date, location?) Or another location of the clip? I would love to see what you mean. :)
ReplyDeletethanks for letting me know.
It is from the Slane Csstle DVD, so it is pretty common on YouTube, and I just replaced the post with a working version.
I wish YouTube had the version that was broadcast on CBS which starts with Bono backstage talking about burying his father.
Like your blog, by the way .
I see you like the Police. I assume you have seen video of the amazing moment when the Police hand off their instruments to U2 at the end of Invisible Sun... a bit of it here:
actually the famous moment when the Police "retired" and handed instruments and mantle to U2 was a bit later at Giants Stadium, a quick googling finds out;