--Sufjan Stevens in Rolling Stone on his new album, Hark! Songs for Christmas
CBS New York correspondent: "Is there any significance to holding this press conference on Ash Wednesday and staging the first date in Las Vegas ?"
Bono: (teasing) "A-ha - Ash Wednesday ! That's very well spotted ! I reckon the combination of Ash Wednesday and K-Mart just about sums U2 up, and therein lie our contradiction and the cross we carry..."
LATER NOTE: Watch it at 6:50 in the clip below (after you watch the classic first twenty seconds)
The whole press conference in four parts is now on YouTube part one, part two, part three, part four....like everything else!:
Here's U2 playing "Holy Joe" (the only song I know based..loosely..on the evangelistic CHICK TRACT of the same name)live at K Mart, after the press conference mentioned above (in part 4 of the conference, they field a question about this song as debunking and accepting their "sainthood" (5 min mark and ff above..BTW is that an intentional middle finger salute Bono gives the interviewer at the 5:38-40 mark?)
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