All ten episodes will play sequentially below
(or click this to choose an episode)
Part 1:We begin our time in Lima (watching changing of the guard, attending an amazing meting where Ken shows the Transformations videos/leads prayer for a Senator and other leaders, making a pastoral/prayer call on an elderly AIDS victim).
The we travel up to Huancayo at 11,000 feet for the week. Here we meet the pastoral family (and dog) at the church where we help build an addiction recovery center. As we are working, a heartbroken couple brings in their newborn for prayer. They hadn't even named her, as they were told she likely wouldn't live. She did! Tom's prayer and the baby's face on video are priceless/
Part 2: Here we watch the Huancayo churches and government actually work together to board up seedy drug and sex clubs. We help out at a VBS out in the country, and return to a lively gathering at Olvidio's church.
Part 3:In some incredibly moving clips to us who were there, we are tearfully prayed over, and tearfully pray for people at the church Olvidio pastors in Huancayo.
But what does Tom mumble about the two gringo preachers at 6:16?
Note: This clip wraps up with us playing with our food..at least the fish heads named Carlos..
Part 4: Some crazy scenes of us hard at work on the mission field
Part 5: Tom tells his powerful and honest story in Huancayo, Peru (Pastor Freddie's church). The opening comments are due to the Peruvians nickname for him: "Tarzan."
Ever been interrupted by dogs barking as you are speaking in church?
Pastor Freddie once faced the Shining Path terrorists with a gun in his face and refused to deny Jesus.
Part 6: Tom follows up preaching by visiting (preaching in?) a sex shop.
Pam gives testimony in a church, as the camera pans across the street to the brothel.
part 7: We were teaching in Huancayo, Peru...these men , who run an outreach center at an apartment complex, showed up unannounced, as they has somehow heard from the grapevine the we were in Huancayo..travelled for hours on mountain roads...and might be able to pray.commission them
Part 8: Huancayo Peru: We visit the recovery center church pastored by Justo, pray for the city over the radio, frolic with food...and finally let you hear the infamous civil defense siren that woke Tarzan and I up every morning at 6:13...mas o menos
Part 9: Fun times with the amazing team of Amor Teansformador pastors and leaders, and Senor Shrek the Wonder Dog...at the Metz home in Huancayo...as well as a bit of the insane 6-hour (100 mile) bis ride down the Andes from Huancayo to Lima..past the highest railroad in the world
Part 10:
filmed some of the monthly pastors cell group for Amor Transformador in Huancayo, Peru. Here we hear a couple stories from a pastor and wife that missionary Ken Metz directly related to the powerful worship gathering we participated in in this couples church the Sunday before (watch it on this video from 4:44ff)
All ten episodes will play sequentially below
(or click this to choose an episode)
...followed by video of hang-gliding in Lima.
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