"People have pointed the finger at Craig and me and told us we have gone too far. But I believe there isn't a single person who would say that of they stood beside us in a 10 foot by 10 foot booth at EroticaLA. You would get it. You would see it. It would make perfect sense." -XXX Church cofounder (emphasis mine)
As you might guess, anyone calling their ministry "XXX Church," nicknaming their website the "#1 Christian Porn site," and making it their business to visit porn conventions is asking for trouble for unfriendly fire from fellow Christians....(and I haven't even mentioned the "Wally the Weiner" costume...click here if brave...Wally, like everyone else these days , has his own website).
But I dare to believe that the ministry of the two pastors behind XXX Church is prophetic, balanced, and by necessity attention-getting. And they navigate it all with careful prayer, sensitive guidelines, ruthless accountability and raw love of Jesus...who loves porn stars.
In fact, the "Jesus Loves Porn Stars" T-shirts very often sell out at porn conventions. Note well, and it should go without saying that Jesus doesn't love what porn stars do..it breaks his heart.
Which is why the XXX Church staff ministers so well and with such "holy worldliness", it's out of the heart of Jesus.
Yeah, they admit that the "over the top" mottos etc. are sometimes just that:
The Stategy:The NameXXXchurch is provocative, memorable, and
it combines the seedy and the sacred. Enough said.
The Tag Line: "..1 Christian Porn Site" is what we are. We also like it cuz it ticks stuffy old religious people off.
The Vibe: It's hip, relevant, irreverent, honest, fun and designed for people just like you.
But without being so "hip, relevant, irreverent, honest, fun", they likely wouldn't have gotten the attention of Good Morning America (Watch their interview here) . They have also interviewed in Penthouse magazine (No, I won't link that, but I actually applaud it!), and have had a movie made about them (all while not being allowed on the 700 Club!).
And I am proud of Christianity Today and the Willow Creek Association (perhaps the two epitomes and epicenters of evangelical establishment) for supporting (CT by ads..even if banished to the back cover) and even sponsoring (WCA) XXX Church's "National Porn Sunday".
Wow, I feel way better about Jesus's wife, knowing those two were bold enough to bless one of the most vital and Bridgroom-honoring ministries of our era.
When Christianity Today prints the C.S. Lewis(!)article on masturbation(!!), however, I'll know the end is near.
It's time not to fear the "m" word in church. We all know perhaps most of our men are"holding their own," anyway.
Look at the stats.
Which many experts believe are low.
Russell Willingham of New Creation Ministries (sex-addiction counseling and help...full journalistic disclosure: I'm on the board) is an excellent speaker, as those at Third Day know..he preached for us last month. I know many churches don't or won't appreciate or support this vital ministry..
Too bad! This is a huge issue.
I asked Russ if he got advance "permission" from the pastor where he guest preaches to mention the "M" word. He said no, he just does it.
Thanks be to God someone has the Spirit and the guts; and thank God we can have this discussion on this website..guarantee folks are reading it whom it will bless and help. I really recommend Russell's amazing book Breaking Free: Understanding Sexual Addiction & the Healing Power of Jesus and his CD or tape on masturbation; order it from http://www.newcreationmins.com/ (Tell them it's for a friend..(: of course..)
Many folks who find the xxxchurch website are googling for porn; and as they pursue the search results, they accidentally stumble into xxxchurch.com, due to the 3 x's. (For those who want to surf the site, but don't want their boss/spouse to raid their cache and surmise they were viewing porn, the site is also accessible at 3x.church.com). Some may call this deceitful and wrong. I would call it deceitful...and right! At least in the sense of how Kierkegaard meant the term. "Parables," he asserts, "deceive the hearer into the truth." Isn't this the "sneaky as snakes and docile as doves" strategy Jesus commanded in Matthew 10:16?
I am aware that an overzealousness to be a snake-like can backfire. I felt blindsided and pre-judged when I was "exposed."
It all began as I was reading an article on the "Pray Naked Experience" blog...a blog by a cool Christian guy; namesaked for one of my favorite worship songs "Pray Naked" (about being honest before God, fully clothed video below) by the 77s. (The 77s song and album title, "Pray Naked" were banned by their Christian label..I get a kick of how the 77s slyly and wryly got back. I'll tell that story next time). I saw a posting on his site called "If you came to this site to see porn, click here."
Like a fool, I clicked it, thinking (I promise!) "I want to see what this guy says to porn-seekers; how will he gently witness?" So when I got to that page, it did indeed suggest the seeker seek Jesus..even gave a link to xxx church...But also mentioned that you had been caught, and the ISP number of your computer would be showing on that page to shame you! Even told how it was legal to do that. I realized that he will get porn seekers accidentally finding his site (like http://www.xxxchurch.com/ and the Focus on the family site http://www.pureintimacy.org/ ...and that is cool...but I didn't appreciate having my ISP number broadcast...and I don't wanna be lumped in w/porn viewers. Actually, I'll go ahead and paste below what that page says, as I am guessing none of you want to go to that page either. It's reproduced here (I just changed the IP number that showed up):
Bottom line:
IP Address: We need to talk. We know you aren't looking for what content we're providing. We also know you aren't interested in being referred to the authorities for looking up kiddie porn sites. So we'll make it easy for you: go check out a legitimate alternative. (http://www.xxxchurch.com/) Then we'll just keep your IP address and search request to ourselves. Deal? You're still welcome to join us, but know this now:
we are not what you are after. Yet it is our hope you will see another
perspective. Perhaps you will even see a better way, and a better reason to be
online. Finally, you can keep surfing, but we'll be putting your ip address and
search string on a public site; http://searchrequests.weblogs.com/ Yes, we can do that. Yes, we will do that. And yes, it is legal. Happy surfing and God bless you now more than ever. http://www.praynaked.com/
I appreciate the heart behind this entrapment, but I prefer the xxxchurch variety.
Read about their God-adventures at the LA Erotica covention; or browse the answers to prayer on the "not afraid to use the "m" word web forum. Check out some of these reports
Better yet, join me. I am publicly making a promise to join the xxxchurch team on an outreach of some kind in the future. I already am guesstimating that I won't become one of the (to come full circle to the quote we started with):
"People (who) have pointed the finger at Craig and me and told us we have gone tooXXX Church will touch lepers. Until I am willing to be made willing to do the same, I will be unashamed to align myself with an imperfect ministry that may err on the side of grace and fun.
far. But I believe there isn't a single person who would say that of they stood
beside us in a 10 foot by 10 foot booth at EroticaLA. You would get it. You
would see it. It would make perfect sense."
In the same article, JR, who ministered at the same show. shares his "Top Ten Porn Show Moments." Number 2 is: "James, a paraplegic, who said, 'If you want to help me, don't pray for me; give me money so I can buy a prostitute to touch me..no one will touch me.'"
The story is told of the evangelist, who countered folks who complained about his style of evangelism, "I like my imperfect way of doing it, than your perfect way of not doing it."
And I do get a (hopefully) holy kick out of the enticing xxxchurch banner ads aiming to "deceive" porn addicts to help "Porn! Sex! Girls! Guys!". That may be dirty pool, and may lead to addicts feeling duped. But any site with the following ad just may be alright with the Almighty..maybe even the pope.

sorry I'm two years late responding.
ReplyDeletethe bait you fell for was flawed, in that it was supposed to only trigger on people looking for kiddie porn (of which I had lots of referrals once upon a time).
and the 77's link is faulty. here.
I saw these reprobates at a Wal-Mart in Massillon Ohio.
ReplyDeletewhen confronted with the Word of God they crumbled,,
These Snakes have a SUV with “xxx church.com “and “no 1 internet Christian porn site” ,,painted all over it,,
the bible says abstain from the appearance of all evil….. So what do these evil men do?
They drag Jesus and the Holiness of Gods true church into the realm of smut.. They try and justify this
Wickedness by saying look at the web site “this is not what we are really about“,, ( so why make a lie up )
Or is their amusement trashing Jesus.. Its obvious the later…
These false Christians tell lies to people to trick them into looking at their web site,,,
scripture says all liars will have their place in the lake of fire and that the devil is the father of all lies..
I asked these workers of iniquity if they commit sin,, they answered Yes almost daily,,, the Word says
In ,1 john 3;8 he that commits sin is of the devil…. They have showed their true colors……
Proud as peacocks they bragged about committing sinning and claimed to be born again and saved.
Are they a sweet smelling savor in Gods nostrils? Driving around with XXX church and no 1 porn Christian website on their SUV ? Or rather a stench that smells and demeans the Holy sacrifice that Jesus suffered on the cross,, these wicked men attempt to make Jesus’ blood unholy..
I told these scoffers to repent of this iniquity ,,God hates all workers of iniquity Psalms 5;5
This is a example of the last days and proof of the hate reprobates have for God manifested in the flesh
Jesus is God …..they have attempted to turned the love and grace of God into a lie…
I saw many people who stood in sadness looking at the terrible words they painted on that SUV..
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments. Appreciate your faith and concern.
Also appreciate you including contact info; that was mature of you..
It is obviously no small judgement to call people reprobate and false Christians. I come to very different conclusions.
On the verse you quoted about avoiding the appearance of evil, i would recommend you read this article below, and consider:
1."Jesus appeared evil ALL the time, especially to religious people."
2. We are to follow Jesus.
3.If we do not appear evil much (maybe all) of the time, we are in sin and not faithfully following Jesus.
Since porn stars and prostitutes et al are precisely the folk Jesus spent time with, refusing to avoid the appearance of evil...I myself am and sin if i do not spend time with them.
Bless you
Sorry; here is the article. please read