Sunday, June 05, 2011

Steve Hindalong on The Prayer Chain

Steve Hindalong has always been a writer and a wordsmith...not just in his lyrics for The Choir, et al, in his chapter in the book he edited....but in formats like liner notes (I'll bet his shopping lists are articulate)..

..especially when the words of the liner notes are about a band who were masters are meanings without and beyond words (The Prayer Chain):

"Wayne Everett...his violin solo in "Grylliade" certainly warranted respect...a monkey might have played more adeptly, but what of the human angst so brilliantly conveyed"

"Andy "Sunstoned"...could have dazzled with his prowess on the guitar; but he ached instead to paint a more honest picture. It seems to me that Andy's expression was akin to wringing vinegar from his soul."

"Eric Campuzano...Not the most proficient musician in the room.. but I loved HOW he played the bass.  Everybody dis.  Authoritative and melodic. He got it from a deep place.  For him, it was clearly all about content: meaning beyond words

"Tim Taber...he held the conch shell.  He swung the machete to lead the way through the brush."  -liner notes of "Salutations: A Tribute to The Prayer Chain, full notes below
See also:

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