Here's some press for some amazing bloggers..
send 'em some love,links, pesos and besos!
On this fairly new international holiday on the church calendar, we are encouraged to comment on some blogs we like. I am following the suggestion to focus on great blogs you don't often comment on.
Here's where I visited today:
- 1)Julie Clawson: "As the Spirit Leads"
- 2)Derek Abbott:Here’s to a quarter of a century
- 3)Wabi Sabi: a lack of community
- 4)David and Sara (Masen) Dark's: Damaged or Whole?
- 5)John Smulo (founder of the BLOG COMMENT DAY movement)'s " : Phil Wyman Interivew: Part 2
but how about this: short, succinct (unlike many, and me!)..
This post is titled innocuously "Thought for the day." Sounds like a nice lightweight inspirational thought? Hardly, it's tougher than Oswald Chambers:
"If we can't forgive someone, then maybe we have made an idol of the thing they took"
That's it, that's the whole blog post!
I'm quitting!
At least I left my shortest comment there:
Thanks for sharing your Blog Comment Day itinerary. It's been fun. Thanks for all of your support.