Friday, July 24, 2009

"a hall with a stage and a place where I could sit and be lectured on the subject."

I've been waiting years for Mark DeRaud to start blogging.

Le's pray his three part guest post on (Thanks for giving the artist a voice) is a sign and sign post of more to come.

The Spiritual Language of Beauty

by Mark DeRaud
A Catholic friend asked me if the Chrism mass I had witnessed, performed in front of my newly installed murals, was “beautiful.”
My response was visceral. I thought, “How odd. Who cares if it’s beautiful?”
If I thought of beauty at all, I thought of it as peripheral, if not alien, to authentic Christian experience.
This was not so for my Catholic patrons. Their rich environment, I learned, reflected an ancient orientation towards a deep visually experiential life. They expected me to help their walls speak, to testify to the beauty of heaven, to see Christ within, to enhance contemplation, “to know [His] love that surpasses knowledge,” (Eph: 3:19) (See Bernini’s sculpture below, “The Ecstasy of St. Theresa”).
As a Protestant I had not needed a ‘sacred’ space. I needed only a hall with a stage and a place where I could sit and be lectured on the subject. My inner..


Art n Soul podcasts

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