Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"she's doing what it's all about anyway"

If you've never surfed into Lisa Koons' "The Uprising" blog, check it out...
passionate and poetic, articulate and innocent; vulnerable and different.

Unless you are NOT tired on the same old stuff from old bloggers like me..

Appreciated her experience of being prayed for by Grace McLaren (Brian's wife) here.
She commented to Brian McLaren that after sitting in on his emergent leaders seminar:

felt like I needed a dictionary or translator to understand the language of these emergent leaders. I confess 90% of it went over my head - like comprehending the core meaning of certain parts was like trying to hold sand in the palm of my hand. As soon as I got ahold of a glob, it would immediately start slipping through, leaving me with only a small cluster of grains. Brian says despite this I've been doing what it's all about anyway. At one point I had to stand up in front of the crowd of hundreds... then, Brian blessed me. -As an introvert I hated the experience, but I loved him for doing it. Grace McLaren then got up, hPhoto_7_3ugged me, & told the crowd how much she loved me. Then she prayed for me while holding me tight. It was the best prayer I'd ever heard. It was raw & authentic & messy round the edges...but I felt the strength of it being answered even as she prayed it. I cringed for having to stand before hundreds. And the ovation was torture. What's the big deal, I told the crowd; "I just prayed & obeyed". Invited them to do the same. I felt naked up there... & dorky. And blessed

Lisa is so self-effacing, you really haveto fish around her blog to find her name, let alone any links that tell you this (from McLaren's site), let alone that the photo above was on the occassion of her receiving the first Deep Shift "Everything Must Change" Award:

Lisa Koons is the Director of 24-7, an organization focused on instigating vertical dialogue & a goodness revolution through the venue of prayer & service to the city’s marginalized & poor communities. She has 15 years of discipleship experience among individuals & groups, & mentors church leaders & congregations regarding intimacy with God, efficacy in prayer, & walking in resurrection life. 24-7 is the site of the city’s 1st emergent-style prayer room & the epi-center of The Justice Project, a yearly 400-strong volunteer effort to help bring transformation to fragile inner city neighborhoods.

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Hey, thanks for engaging the conversation!