My friend, Fr. Jim Snell, is a marvelous pastor and encourager. He is rector of St. Columba Episcopal Church here in Fresno (A great church; they even showed "Passion of the Christ" on Good Friday; how cool is that?) They just went through quite a remodeling and addition project; theirs is a beautiful set of buildings directly across from our most famous "old money" shopping center.
I'm guessing Jim would say, "'Old money'... yeah, that's the stereotype of who attends Episcopal churches."
What a great location to impact culture. All in the name of Christ,and in the style of St. Columba, who though an oragnizer and monastic; had a passion for Celticly engaging "the real world." What would Columba do? (He'd pray on the church campus, and then wander over to the Starbucks across the street to evangelize...and perhaps overturn some tables of rich folk (and then invite them to worship!)
I am also sure poor Fr. Jim has taken lots of ribbing about the new signs. Just read 'em for yourself. They are exquisite; regal. But they don't say "Saint Columba,"...or do they? The "S" is so fancifully designed that its' hrad to tell it's a letter.
So the signs all appear to say "Ain't Columba"
As in, "What kind of church is that?"
"I dunno, but it ain't Columba!"
Poor Fr. Jim.
Jim, love to get your take on the signs...
(later note: more on this sign and its twin here)
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