Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Bible in 3,000 words...or one...(anything but a 140-word tweet)

Mark Meynell was asked to summarize the metanarrative/message of The Bible...He did it in
3, 000 words...But in ONE word, it's about


Here it is in article form; here as ITunes audio, here below is a version of it on video (2 parts):

I would love to see this on a "Visualizing the Bible" chart.

Of course this is the guy who did the something similar with another work of art (lesser, of course...but inspired by the former, as always), U2's "No Line" album

Grace breaks into a sound:

An album in three acts

ACT 1: Private agonies and devoted joys

ACT 2: Itchy feet, bombast and wry smiles

ACT 3: Doubts and grace in the Middle East

Read it here

Related , see Brian Draper's, "Stop Helping God Over the Road – A Meditation Using Lyrics from U2’s New Album, No Line on the Horizon,"
which consists entirely of quotes from the album, in chronological order. THis helps with the (meta)narrative and flow of the disc/
(HT: Beth)


Hey, thanks for engaging the conversation!