lotsa lynx:
These blog/website linksare too
hidden on the bottom right
of this blog, so today I'm putting them here, so you can spend
the day reading the best church and culture links out there.
Here are the links.
Heresy hunters will have a field day,
but Jesus loves you, too). Enjoy:
- @U2.com
- A Primer on Today's Missional Church
- Abandon Image: A Jersey Girl Among the Georgia Peaches
- Adbusters Culture Jammer Headquarters
- Alan Hirsch:The Forgotten Ways
- Alan Roxborough
- All Top: Today's links on "culture"
- All Top: Today's links on "religion"
- All Top: Today's news
- Alpha inventions
- Alpha Inventions.com (religion category)
- Alternative Hymnal
- An unapproved road
- Andy Prickett
- Anne Lamott
- Annie Dillard
- Articles by Wolfgang Simson
- Assist News
- Beauty and Depravity
- Becky Garrison: Red and Blue God
- Ben Witherington
- Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
- Bob Hyatt
- Books and Culture
- Bored Again Christian
- Brian McLaren
- Busted Halo.com
- Caminando con el pueblo
- Capon: Chef-Rev
- Cathleen Falsani
- Celtic Christian Spirit.com
- Choix Du Jour
- Christianity Today's LIVE BLOG
- Christians Confess
- Church and Postmodern Culture
- Coffee Drinkin' Fool
- communitas collective
- Confessions of a Small Church Pastor
- conversant life
- Culture Making
- Culture Watch
- Dallas Willard
- Danielle Shroyer
- David and Sarah Dark: Peer Pressure is Forever
- david crowder blog
- David Dark
- David Sessions
- Decompose
- Denver in Translation
- Doghouse: For the Spiritually Dyslexic
- Emergent Central Valley Cohort
- Emerging Church Blogs
- Emerging Kiwi
- Emerging Toward Something Redeeming
- Eugene Cho
- Everyday Theology
- Existential Punk
- F.O.C.R.U.
- faith as a way of life
- faith telegraph
- Fellowship of Ghosts
- Follow the Rabbi: Ray Van Der Laan
- Frank Viola
- Frederica Matthews-Greene
- Gary Goodell
- Geez
- Glimpses of God
- Godspy
- Going to Hell with Brian McLaren
- Going to Hell with Martin Zender
- Grace Covenant
- GraceShaker: The Holy Wild
- groans from within
- Guitar Hack Jonny
- Hip Opinion
- holiday at the sea
- Hollywood Jesus
- Holy Skin and Bone
- Humilis quod Infractus
- Hymns in the Whorehouse
- Internet Monk
- Jesus Creed
- Jesus outed in megachurch; Film-at-11
- just an apprentice
- Karen Ward
- killingthebuddha.com
- Kingdom Living
- Landover Baptist
- Lawrence Lessig
- Leonard Sweet
- Letters_from_Kamp_Krusty
- Looking Closer: Jeffrey Overstreet's Reviews
- Mackan Andersson
- Matt and Nancy
- Matt Cleaver
- Mending Shift
- Meta Library
- missio dei community
- Missional Tribes
- Morehead's Musings
- Musings of a Postmodern Negro
- Mystery Worshipper
- Next Reformation
- Not Peace but a Sword
- Occasio: Theology and U2
- Odyssey: Chris Erdman
- On Coffee
- On The Other Foot
- One hand Clapping
- Ongoing Adventures of ASBO Jesus
- Out of Ur
- Patrol Magazine: Inspiration in Fragmentation
- Pete Gall
- Peter Rollins
- Phantom Tollbooth
- Pop Matters
- Postmodern Pilgrims
- Pragmatic-Eclectic
- Preacher Man
- Primal Subversion
- purgatorio: a panoply of evangelical eccentricities
- Purple State of Craig
- Rabbi Adam: Undercover Renaissance Man
- Radius
- Ragamuffin Diva
- Real Live Preacher
- Real Meal Ministries
- Reality Carnival
- Risen
- Risky Reading
- Rock and Theology.com
- Saint Guinness
- Sarcastic Lutheran
- satire and theology
- Shark Tacos/The Rebel God
- Shift Happens
- Ship of Fools: Christian Unrest
- Simple Church Journal
- Simple Church Revolution
- Sites Unseen Blogroll
- Sites Unseen: Earth's Mightiest Alternative Christian Links Portal
- Sivin Kit's Garden
- Small Ritual
- Smulo Space
- Solar Crash
- SOMA: Society of Mutual Autopsy
- Some Strange Ideas
- Sons of Issachar-21st C
- soul surmise
- St Guiness
- Starfish Project: Wolfgang Simson et al
- Steve Taylor's "Blue Like Jazz" blog
- Stone's Fence
- Stupid Church People
- Subversive Influence
- subversive reformation
- Synagogue 3000
- Tall Skinny Kiwi
- Tensegrities
- The 77s
- the believer
- The Carnival in My Head
- The Dream Factory
- The Dude Abides: Cathleen Falsani
- the holy wild
- The Lingering Lemon of Death
- The Living Room: Ryan Townsend
- The Uprising
- The Violet Burning
- The Virtual Pew
- The Weary Pilgrim
- thekingpin68
- Theology and Pancakes
- Theopraxis
- Thinkingoutloud
- This Blog Sits at the Intersection
- Those who dance are thought mad by those who hear not the music.
- Thoughts from the Axys
- Thunderstruck
- U2 Sermons
- Until Translucent
- Urban christian maggot
- Wabi_Sabi
- Wade Hodges: Without Disagreement Nothing Can Be Learned
- While We Slept": Wolfgang and Mercy Simson
- WIRED Culture
- Without Wax: Pete Wilson
- Wittenburg Door
- XXX Church: #1 Christian Porn Site
- Zoecarnate: An opti-mystic friend of Jesus in a post-conventional world

this is a great site about the new mystery religion! http://www.moneyteachers.org/Egyptian%20Religions.htm
ReplyDeleteThanks, Dave.:)