And click this for more from the same wedding. And watch this for an interview with the couple (which i show in class to illustrate
"building a fence around the Torah")
So many funny wedding stories I could tell.
See the pic at left where my wife and I had to obey the bride over Jesus. (:
Often when I officiate weddings, and the groom is nervous, I try to lighten the mood. I pull out my little black book in front of all the groomsmen and fake a shocking, "Oh my goodness, I accidentally brought my funeral book by mistake!! But I'll just read from it anyway..i mean it's the same idea. Is that OK?"
Then there is a laugh of relief when they realize I'm kidding!

for the first time..
I couldn't find my wedding book right away, so i did actually bring the funeral book instead. It didn't really matter, as after doing years of weddings, I don't need the book, I just use it to stick little sticky notes in for the sermon, prompts, names etc....oh, and to look pastoral and cool. (:
So I just crossed out the big title "FUNERAL" on the spine with a black marker, so folks wouldn't see it while I was up front (:
Then for a laugh and a few pics, after the service, I rubbed off the ink so you could read it.
Did I ever tell you that, Margaret?

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